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教授/主任医师,医学博士,硕士研究生导师。天津市高校“中青年骨干创新人才培养计划”人选,天津医科大学新世纪人才,中华医学会眼科学分会青年委员,中华医学会眼科学分会视光学组委员。 从事眼科学工作20余年,擅长角膜病、屈光不正、白内障的诊治,致力于青少年近视防控和高度近视并发症诊治,同时擅长各种角膜接触镜验配及并发症处理。

 天津医科大学眼科医院和眼视光学院党委书记,同时承担天津医科大学眼视光学院教学管理工作。参与完成多项国际课题,包括近视眼研究、屈光手术、角膜地形图研究、圆锥角膜研究、常见眼病流行病调查及干眼病研究。主持承担国家自然科学基金2项、天津市自然科学课题1项、天津市科技计划项目课题2项、天津市教委重点课题2项。发表专业论文50余篇, 第一作者及通讯作者SCI论文20余篇。参编眼科论著5部。

Professor/chief physician, Ph.D, M.D. Master Tutor. Candidate of "Young and Middle-aged Innovative Talents Training Program" in Tianjin University. Tianjin Medical University New Century Talent. She is the youth member of the Ophthalmic Branch of Chinese Medical Association, the optometry group member of the Ophthalmic Branch of Chinese Medical Association. She works on ophthalmology over 20 years. Not only she is good at the diagnosis of corneal disease、refractive error and cataract, but also devotes to myopia prevention and management of high myopia complications. At the same time, She specialized in all kinds of contact lens fitting and complications. She is the secretary of the party committee of Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital and The School of Optometry and Ophthalmology. She also undertakes the teaching management of the School of Optometry and Ophthalmology in Tianjin Medical University. Professor Wei has had a long-standing research interest in myopia, refractive surgery, corneal topography, keratoconus, epidemiology survey of common eye disease and dry eye. In the past decades Professor Wei and her team has participated numerous international topics. Meanwhile, as the principal investigator, she stands for 2 National Natural Science Foundation, 1 Science Committee Nature Science Foundation of Tianjin, 2 Science and Technology Plan Project of Tianjin, and 2 Key Projects of Tianjin Education Commission. As the first or correspondent author, she has also published over 50 papers in various scientific journals, including 20 SCI articles. She also participated in writing 5 ophthalmic books.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2021-07-17 10:00-13:30 二楼分会场D

眼视光行业领袖论坛 ——院长“Show”管理 暨“院长说” (午餐会)

2021-07-17 14:54-15:06 二楼分会场G

中国近视大会(四):特殊接触镜, “镜"彩纷呈

讲者 周边离焦软性角膜接触镜对儿童近视防控研究进展
2021-07-17 15:30-17:30 二楼分会场B

